Things to know before a rebuild .. Until a few years ago I knew nothing of what was a nail .. Acquaintances are coming in with my sister before the wedding, had decided to go to rebuild its. Of course I was skeptical when I talked about how they would imagine those claws plasticky fintissime and selling in supermarkets with the tube of glue! Three days before the wedding I see for the first time and I realize how I was wrong! They were very natural and had turned completely by hand! Then, of course, been a week I decided to make an appointment too! I still remember ... elongation on a tip, French manufacturer milky white and natural pink (hence the blog name ..).. Simple but effective. I enjoyed watching the transformation process that was long but fascinating ... slowly changing the look and the beautiful hand was that this effect lasted for weeks, but glazes! The thing I liked most was the fact then that whenever there was a chance to change .. French with glitter, rhinestones, colored gels ...
After starting the school of aesthetics then, I decided I had to do once a course of reconstruction (which unfortunately was not included in that of aesthetics!) ..
Now that I have to rebuild But I realize that very often some of the short time available (a rico lasts from two to four hours to + desperate cases), because a little is taken for scontantata that the customer knows all, does not give all the necessary information. And so then you have created a great confusion between terms such as refills, reconstruction, gel casting .... So here's a little
Glossary of various terms and maintenance before and after reconstruction!
The reconstruction methods are most known: gel method method method
acrylic fiberglass
the latter less used .. In Italy is still prevalent in the reconstruction even if the gel onicotecniche using acrylic are more and more! Ah .....
Onicotecnica: technical or nail
I, at least for the moment, I use the gel, and then you'll just that!
RECONSTRUCTION ruin the nails? It 's a common question .. onicotecnica run correctly if all the steps without stressing the nail cutting and filing excessive, this does not happen.
Who can a reconstruction? Anyone with healthy nails, so the reconstruction can be performed on people with onychomycosis, nail psoriasis and other diseases affecting the nail. In these cases it is best to consult your dermatologist. The same applies to pregnant women, consult your doctor first.
sufferers of nail biting RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED? always depends on the state in which he reports the nail, in any case the results can be surprising when you consider that in many cases is rebuilt from scratch! Reconstruction for nail biting is to be understood more as a treatment as a purely aesthetic reconstruction. The customer will have to engage and resist the temptation to bite the reconstruction and be on time to each "revision" agreed with the onicotecnica, having a few millimeters to support it, the gel tends to last less than a normal reconstruction. In these cases however, reconstruction is not the first one is to expect great aesthetic, for example, should not extend over the nail never to give way to the customer to get used to having nails ... The extension will be gradual and over time you can get excellent results.
HOW LONG RECONSTRUCTION? The time is subjective, but vary from two to four weeks .. depends also from its regrowth and dall'accortezza that is used in household chores and everyday life nalla .. The findings are not indestructible and should have some care!
HOW CAN I DO TO NOT RUIN my reconstruction? The reconstruction should not change their habits! For example, if we know that our work is mainly in writing to the PC or we work mainly by hand and we know that excessive length may be annoying, you can agree on the ideal length with the onicotecnica. For the rest of the rules are easy to follow .. in chores that involve the use of corrosive, alkaline or acid should always use gloves (But this should be the rule with or without reconstruction!), This serves to preserve the integrity and above all the clarity of the reconstruction. It would then not be filing her nails never alone, filings in fact removes the gel sealing with the possibility of 'infiltration of water resulting in the creation of an environment under wet reconstruction and the possibility of mold Formazine and mushrooms ... best avoided! As I said before then, using a certain shrewdness, even though + very strong natural nails, as well as reconstructed these are not indestructible!
AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRST? One or two days before the reconstruction should perform a complete manicure at onicotecnica dell'ipercheratosi with the removal of the nail, so as to fully prepare the nail for reconstruction. Often, however, for lack of time, the manicure is performed on the day of reconstruction. Unlike a normal manicure, but in this case we nn placing your hands in water to soften cuticles and we can eliminate the hyperkeratosis with clippers only in extreme cases. Any bleeding in fact undermine the reconstruction.
part of the customer would be important not to come into contact with oily and fatty but you can certainly ask a mother for example, do not eat all day! Therefore, there are products that prepare, dehydration, natural nail to receive the gel regardless of what has been done in the last 10 hours!
WHY 'THE PREPARATION nail' SO 'IMPORTANT? The preparation of the nail is 90% of all the work, if none is available we can say goodbye to rebuild after a few days! You have to know in fact that the nail must be prepared to receive the gel because it can find the ideal environment for individuals to remain. The nail therefore, be deprived of its hydro-lipid film, to be opaque by using lime or fine grain drills with special cilindrini, There must be no cuticles to be pushed, and if we cut in the presence of hyperkeratosis. Which products dehydrating and adhesion promoters prior to the actual drafting of the gel. It 's a process that takes time but is fontamentale and is the basis for everything!
WHY 'SOMETIMES YOU SPEAK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND TIMES OF SIMPLE COVER? There is talk of rebuilding in the event of extension with nail tip or form, in that it specifically speaks of sculptural reconstruction. There is talk of a simple cover when the customer does not want to stretch but simply cover the natural nail.
WHAT THE REFILL? Many people confuse this term ... Refill, English filling runs about 10-15 days after the first reconstruction (based on subjective regrowth) and is to "fill" the portion of nail growth without changing the structure of the reconstruction. Requires little time and therefore has a lower cost. After about 3 / 4 weeks instead of talking about rebalancing
, in this case we have a lot of regrowth and rebuilding having moved forward, it needs to be reviewed and rebalanced. Almost all the gel is removed leaving a thin layer cmq, done that, you start over. WHY
the camber is so necessary? In many ask nails as flat as possible .. often associated with the camber curve and bump to a nail .. in reality the curve is not anything like that, indeed, It need to ensure that the reconstruction can withstand shocks and pressures. The crowning fact is nothing but an accumulation of stress at the point of gel nail, the point where the force of an impact for example tends to concentration.
conclude by saying that the reconstruction has evolved to the point of meeting the needs of everyone. There are countless types of gel .. gel from natural color, white gel for those who love the French evident, many types of colored gels, glitter ... In short it is impossible not to find what is right for each .. So, why not try?