We certainly do not create havoc style George Lucas, but last night the Buso tension was high, worthy of the end of this wonderful tournament.
the end, everything was played in the first table of the third round, where David Donolo jumped from third to first place, achieving its objective and displacing Marco Storelli (second) and Stefano Zoia (again, third).

A big thanks goes to the landlord certainly Aldo, who had to struggle hard to quench your thirst nerve "of the belligerents and the hunger of the Tuna.
On the sidelines could not miss the usual controversy Darko (trouble was missing!) Who pointed out that the manager and the winner shall bear the same last name, fearing then favoritism on the basis of a presumed familiarity: the referees are often interested in family trees and found no evidence that dimostino this close relationship.
Kinship tested with Uncle Aldo's has certainly Donolo Matteo, who won the first tournament of Gino Pilotino held on February 11 at the "Tavern of Nuts." Great success of participation: 20 players of all ages competed in two preliminary rounds plus the final. Matthew, having won both rounds, had a surprising reason for Edward, the third year of kindergarten, but of talent. There was no history but for the other two finalists and Francesco Franz Mirco Zecchini, only adult came in the final.

great satisfaction at this, for all participants, and the F.Lu.S. for us, because we were involved in the game not only children but also their parents, and this is an issue on which we place great emphasis .
why we are already exploring the new nights at the Tavern Dice, approximately the last Friday of March, April and May, given the great success, to some extent unexpected, of this event.
satisfaction for the success of these evenings, the participation of players and the availability of managers help us in this adventure play: despite the commitments and difficulties, these experiences give us the charge to continue, if you will, in this "mission" to spread the culture of the game and play smart.
stay in touch and, aproffittando opportunity, I want to remind you that tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 26, from 17:30 to 19:30 there will be a presentation of the third series of "Lego". Sunday 27 Finally, in collaboration with the Pro-ground, and the oratory of Spilimbergo, we will be in Piazza Duomo to liven up the Carnival parade.
We wait!
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